Friday, October 29, 2010

"Be the Church Sunday!" - The Choir's Ministry of Music!

Our Senior Choir, under the excellent direction of John Schnelle, was an important part of "Be the Church Sunday!" They sang at the Sutton Hill Nursing Home and at the Ashland Farms Community, both here in North Andover.

And they were a blessing to all!

October 24 - "Be the Church Sunday!

Our theme was, "On Sunday, October 24, Don't Just Come to Church . . . . Be the Church!"

And it happened!

Here you see four of our workcrews for "Be the Church Sunday." The Senior Highs and company went to the Lazarus House Homeless Shelter in Lawrence to prepare a meal. The Junior Highs anchored the "Yardwork Kindness" team, cleaning up two public areas for the Town of North Andover. The Elementary School Kids, their parents and teachers made up the "Neighborhood Cleanup Crew," picking up trash in the neighborhoods surrounding the church. And our Prayer Team covered the day in prayer.

Great job everybody!

October 24 - "Be the Church Sunday!